In early 2021, Untold Research partnered with Project Soar, an incredible, feminist, nonprofit organization based in Marrakech, Morocco, with a mission to empower marginalized teen girls. Project Soar trains and equips local women facilitators using Project Soar in a Box – a scalable system that contains all the curriculum and supplies needed to help groups of teen girls to understand their value, voice, body, rights and path.
The Impact of COVID19 on Pregnancy Care and Child Immunizations in India
In India, three in five (60%) of women ages 18-49 have been pregnant at least one in their lives, the majority of which resulted in live births (97%), though miscarriages (18%) and still births (10%) have occurred.
For proper antenatal, delivery, and postnatal pregnancy care, the World Health Organization recommends a minimum of eight visits to a physician during the course of a pregnancy, delivery in a health care facility and remain there for at least 24 hours, and see a physician at least three times over the next six weeks.
The Impact of COVID19 on Pregnancy Termination in India
Market Excel, a research company in India, generously made their panel available to Untold Research in order to conduct a survey on the impact of COVID-19. Immediately, Untold Research jumped at this opportunity to measure the impact COVID-19 has had on access to abortion and other vital reproductive health services as well as public opinion on expanding abortion access in India. Please note, due to the nature of panel research, the findings are not reflective of India’s entire population. However, it does provide a valuable snapshot into the need gaps and consequences of not being able to access abortion services as experienced by women in India.
In advance and support of International Safe Abortion Day, Untold Research is making this research available for free download here. Please feel free to use and share at will! If you have any questions about this research, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kate Vasiloff at
PUBLIC OPINION OF WOMEN IN INDIA: Expanding Legal Pregnancy Termination
Market Excel, a research company in India, generously made their panel available to Untold Research in order to conduct a survey on the impact of COVID-19. Immediately, Untold Research jumped at this opportunity to measure the impact COVID-19 has had on access to abortion and other vital reproductive health services as well as public opinion on expanding abortion access in India. Please note, due to the nature of panel research, the findings are not reflective of India’s entire population. However, it does provide a valuable snapshot into how Indian women view current abortion laws and their desire to see the legal conditions under which abortions can be sought expanded.
In advance and support of International Safe Abortion Day, Untold Research is making this research available for free download here. Please feel free to use and share at will! If you have any questions about this research, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kate Vasiloff at
The COVID-19 pandemic affected nearly every aspect of life in every corner of the globe, including research! Early on when quarantines were first imposed, Untold Research had to be flexible and rely heavily on technology to keep important research going. The first study to be impacted by these unprecedented circumstances was an audience study taking place in Colombia.
The biggest barrier found for menstrual hygiene management (MHM) – and general sanitation – is the lack of student access to soap. While students are either always (84%) or sometimes (16%) given time to wash their hands before eating and most facilities (87%) have water for hand washing, neither soap (87%) nor a soap substitute (100%) is always available.
Debunking One (of Many) Barriers to Egyptian Girls’ Education
Untold Research conducted in-depth interviews with teachers, mothers of primary school-age girls, and girls in secondary school to understand their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and opinions on Egypt’s education system and the future of girls. These interviews were followed by a survey (n=403) of lower-income mothers (earning 5,000 LE or less each month). The survey was administered face-to-face using tablets between January 23 and February 9, 2019. Data on a total of 1,079 children was gathered as most women had multiple children.
Senior Centers provide an immense value to the individuals and communities they serve
Being active in a Center provides seniors a social outlet, which reduces depression and can delay cognitive decline, a place to exercise, which reduces the risk of falling and have immense health benefits, and meals and nutrition classes, which can allow seniors to stay independent longer and maintain a healthy weight. For many seniors without family nearby, Center staff can quietly help monitor guests and help them seek resources, such as social workers or home health support, when needed. Medicaid pays for four out of five nursing home residents, so with more community resources available to seniors to keep them living healthy, safe, and independent lives, less strain is placed on an already groaning system.